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LITTLE DID I KNOW Posted by LADY_AWE (VIP) Mar 31 2016 8:26PM So a big CONGRATS goes out to mickeymick for locking in #1 Ladder so early on in the month. To those who don't get it ... he does! Ladder points - he finished with over 200 stored up to become untouchable. When I spoke with him today about how it feels to secure it so effectively he basically said he learned it from me. LOL But don't be fooled ... mickeymick is an excellent gin player who carries a 52.6% win percent. LadyAwe wants all to know that that is AWESOME! Posted by virgil_4 (VIP) Apr 1 2016 1:41PM WOW! High praise indeed from the awesome lady! I'm still learning so looking forward to our future games. Thank you for your kind words. TIMING IS EVERYTHING Posted by LADY_AWE (VIP) Apr 1 2016 1:55PM And while ladder points are crucial in strategy, timing is just as important. For example, I sat with 29 ladder points just 17 minutes before "pay day" and started a simple 100 pt 5 tix match which would assure me a 2nd place finish. This meant winning twice the $$$ that a 3rd place win would award. Alas, can you believe it was a slow crawling point-here-point-there kinda game and went over 17 hands to complete. Needless to say, we went beyond the noon cutoff and 3rd is what I had to settle for. Yeah ... bummer. Also, for those who don't understand winning percentages and question my above post about how outstanding a 56% win rate really is. You would say to yourself (if you don't understand ladder play) that he only wins slightly above half the time, am I right? Well, the key to understanding what a grand accomplishment that really is is that mickymick plays absolutely everyone who joins his table. Never turns a soul away ever!!! The mark of a true sportsman and not someone hell bent on preserving a convoluted rating. Again hats off to all my fellow ladder climbers. Stay strong cause April is going be another great ride! I QUIT Posted by virgil_4 (VIP) Apr 17 2016 9:08AM "Stay strong cause April is going be another great ride!" Not for me, I quit ladder for April. AND THAT WOULD BE A BIG HUGE ... Posted by LADY_AWE (VIP) Apr 19 2016 11:39PM WHY? Posted by virgil_4 (VIP) Apr 29 2016 1:56PM Now you know why? |
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